Monday, March 28, 2011

eBay: A Pretty Good Outlet for the Larger Grower

I am often asked if I only sell my violets on eBay and the answer to that question is largely, yes.  There are of course some exceptions but those usually involve the selling of blooming extras at my gift store.  Why do I only sell my violets on eBay?  Here are the main reasons:

1.  I don't have another outlet.  Unlike like other growers, I don't maintain a separate website for the violets.  I suppose I could but I'm sure given the lack of free time that I have I wouldn't be able to keep it current which would only serve to frustrate me and my customers.

2.  I like to sell on eBay because it allows me to sell what is available, when it's available.  How often do you order from a grower via a list only to get a bunch of substitutes?  By selling on eBay the buyer is NEVER disappointed with substitutes...they will ALWAYS receive the variety they purchased...always!

3.  I like to sell on eBay because I can usually get a fair price for my plants.  I know the word "fair" is rather subjective but consider the time invested in raising a starter plant.  It takes me about 8 months to grow out a plant to the size that I ship.  Consider the labor involved and the cost of the supplies (electricity, water, fertilizer, etc...) required to nurture the plants.  So yes, I feel at a minimum I should be able to charge $1.00 for every month I care for the plant.  Growers who are selling plants for $3.50 are just nuts...plain and simple. 

4.  I sell on eBay because I can reach a much larger audience.  Any seller who thinks they can drive as much traffic to their website as eBay can drive to an individual listing has lost touch with reality.

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