Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chimera Streptocarpus?

I arrived back from Paris today to find this very interesting blossom on a plant of Streptocarpus 'Texas Hot Chili'.  It appears the blossom has sported into a chimera bloom.  I haven't see this before on a Streptocarpus so am finding it quite interesting.  Now the question is...can it be successfully propagated?  I don't know yet but I intend to find out!


  1. This is really too cool. You could be famous! I mean, you know, gesneriad-world famous.

  2. I know. But don't worry, I won't snub you because you're not as famous as I am when I see you at convention! :)

  3. p.s. I'm pretty confident it is a chimera blossom on a strept. The stripes are too uniform for it not to be. However, the next set of blossoms is coming up so we'll see in about a week.
