Saturday, January 7, 2012

Streptocarpus WOW (Polish)

Okay, so I "borrowed" this photograph.  It's okay, I'm not realizing any financial gain from doing so!

Here's an awfully pretty new streptocarpus from Poland.  It has hit eBay a couple of times and is currently listed for sale by a grower in Poland.  It seems like a very reasonable price to pay...about $42 for the plant with shipping.  Click HERE to go the eBay listing.  

I am also growing this variety, courtesy of he who can't be named, and will have some starters available in early summer (provided of course I get good propagation).  The hybridizer will be paid 50% of the sales price for any that I sell.

Monday, January 2, 2012

African Violets on my Website

I decided to upgrade my point of sale system at my gift store and one of the benefits is the very robust website tools that accompany the system. I can now seemlessly manage both instore and website inventory which is going to free up a lot of maintenance time for me.

What am I going to do with this new found free time? Add my violets and streptocarpus to my gift store website of course!

I suspect I will have the website transitioned by the middle of February and will then focus on bringing the violets, streptocarpus (and possibly supplies) into the inventory. I should have everything ready to go by the time spring shipping starts. One of the benefits to using the point of sale system is it will manage my plant inventory as well. Meaning, if a plant is in stock, it will show in stock! That means no substitutions!

The web address is:

Stay tuned!