Saturday, July 10, 2010

Violets are worth more than $3.40

I thought African Violets might be spared "Wal-Mart" discounting on eBay but I see that isn't the case.

In addition to African Violets I also sell gifts and collectibles on eBay and I am amazed at the number of sellers who will sell products at or below wholesale.  How exactly does one make a profit with that business model?  I tell my family and friends if you didn't buy it on eBay you paid too much!  And it's the truth.

Consider for a moment what it costs to do a transaction on eBay for an item that is being sold for $3.40.  

Insertion Fee:  .25 cents
FVF Fee (12%):  .41 cents 
PayPal Fee (5.5%):  .19 cents
Total Fees:  .85 cents

Gross profit from the sale of a $3.40 plant is $2.55.  Now consider the other costs associated with raising a plant to an age where it can be sold:

Potting Mix
Wicking/Matting materials
Light stands
Shipping Labels
Shipping Boxes
Packing Material
Plant Labels
eBay Store Fee

Conservatively speaking I would estimate these items add at least $1.00 to the cost of selling the plant.  So now we're down to a net profit of $1.55.  What about labor?

Lets assume the average length of time required to produce plantlets from leaf cuttings is 4 months.  Add another three months before they are mature enough to ship and then divide that by our net profit of $1.55.  In the end, the seller of the $3.40 plant is making approximately .22 cents a month for each plant raised and sold.

So, for every 1,000 plants sold the seller who is selling plants for $3.40 is making $220 or about $1.00 a day.

Question.  Who would care for 1,000 plants for 7 months for $1.00 a day?  If you know of anyone willing to do this please send me their resume!  Boy do I have a job for them!

1 comment:

  1. That's not all about the violet seller in question. Seller also sends gifts (leaf/plant) and even offers a rebate on orders of $30 or more.
