Friday, April 9, 2010

Movin' On Up or "When to repot your violets"

Unlike the Jefferson's we won't be movin' our violets into an east side apartment in the NY city skyline; rather, we'll be moving them into some fresh potting mix that will make them feel as if they've just moved into a NY city penthouse!

If you can't remember the last time you gave your violets' potting soil a freshening up it's probably time. I prefer to keep the following time table in mind when it comes to repotting my violets:

Standards: Every six months. This assumes they are growing in a 4" to 5" pot. If you have recently acquired a standard starter in a 2 1/2" pot (or 3 ounce Solo cup), you'll probably want to move that into a 4" pot within 60 days of receiving it.

Miniatures/Semiminiatures: You can definitely stretch it to every six months but that is definitely a stretch. I prefer to repot my minis and semis every four months.

Trailing Varieties: Trailing varieties are treated a little differently because of the way they are transitioned into larger Azalea pots (short and squatty) as new crowns (drops) are grown. I typically start them in a regular 3 ounce Solo cup and transition them into a 3" squatty pot about 4-6 months after they were originally potted up into the Solo cup. After that initial transition, you'll be potting them up into a 4" to 5" Azalea pot. Moving them up to a 4" squatty pot will normally occur 4-6 months after they were moved up into the 3" pot. After they've been promoted to a 4" squatty pot or bigger, you'll want to repot into the same size pot (removing some old potting mix and adding new) about every 4-6 months.

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